1. Mix together all ingredients except steak together in a bowl. Fold steak into thirds, placing outer edges towards the center. Place steak into a resealable freezer bag. Add marinade and squish around so that all of the steak surface is covered. Place into a second bag, seal and label.
2. Freeze steak for up to 2 month. To prepare, remove 2 days ahead and defrost in the fridge.
3. To prepare, pre-heat grill or broiler. Remove steak from bag and pour sauce into a small sauce pan. Bring sauce to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.
4. Grill or broil steak for 5 minutes per side or until steak reaches 135 degrees. Remove steak from heat and allow to rest for 5 minutes before slicing.
5. To serve, thinly slice steak across the grain and spoon a bit of sauce on top.
6. (if you are not preparing this as a make ahead meal, marinade meat for 2 to 4 hours before cooking.).