1. Preheat oven to 350
2. Cut squashes in half and scoop out seeds.
3. Place squashes cut side down in a baking dish filled to about 1/2" of water.
4. Bake uncovered for about 35-45 minutes, until squash is cooked through. A fork inserted in skin will insert very easily.
5. Remove from oven and cool slighly. Using oven mits, scoop out squash flesh into a large bowl.
6. Add all remaining ingredients, and puree using an immersion blender.
7. NOTE: you can also use a blender or food processor - which may require this to be done in batches.
8. Serve as is, or if desired, place in ramekinds, sprinkle with fine sugar and either use a kitchen torch or place under broiler to carmelize the sugar on top.