1. Peel each cucumber
2. Cut cucumbers in 2 to 2 1/2 inch pieces cutting across the cucumner. Don't use the ends, the pieces will be too small around.
3. Scoop the seed centers out of the cucumbers being careful to not go all the way through. You are making little cups, you need the bottom intact.
4. If cucumbers walls are too thick, scoop more out of the center or carefully, with a peeler, make the walls a little thinner.
5. Stand cucumber pieces in a plate large enough to hold all.
6. Look across the top of the cucumbetrs and make sure all the pieces are exactly the same level.
7. In a large measuring cup pour the tomato juice, V8 or Bloody Mary mix, which ever you are using.
8. Pour in the beef broth and stir. Taste; Add whatever seasonings you want to make it as hot, spicy or mild as you want.
9. If you are using spicy V8 or spicy Bloody Mary mix, it may be hot and spicy enough so be sure and taste.
10. Carefully fill each cucumber section with the juice being careful to get completely full but not spilled n the cucumber.
11. Garnish with celery leaves here and there and serve. If it will be a while, cover and refrigerate until served.
12. Instead of using juice, you can also fill the cucumbers with cheeses, dips, spreads, what ever sounds good.