1. Heat olive and sesame oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add mustard, fenugreek, fennel, celery and cumin seeds or powder into the oil and gently toast, with the lid on for about one minute. This method flavors the oil and thus the soup with the aromatic as well as flavor properties of the spices. Be sure to keep the pot covered as the mustard seeds will “pop” and scatter.
2. Once you’ve heard the seeds pop for about 15-20 seconds, add the onions and sautee for a few minutes. Once the onions have begun to become translucent, add the garlic and the celery. Adjust the flame as necessary, and sautee until the celery pieces are translucent.
3. Squeeze the juice of 1/2 lemon and 2T of mirin into the pan to deglaze it. Then, add the mushrooms and gently stir over a medium flame for approximately five minutes.
4. Add the cannelloni beans (you may use canned, this will reduce the cooking time), rinsed pearled barley, wakame, tamari, and broth. Add enough broth to cover the beans. If you are using fresh beans, add extra broth to cover an additional inch.
5. Gently stir the soup for 40 minutes, more or less, or until beans are cooked to taste. Adjust salt to your preference.