1. Stir together flour, baking powder and salt.
2. In large mixer bowl beat margarine and shortening for 30 seconds.
3. Add 3/4°C sugar, beat until fluffy.
4. Add egg, orange juice, vanilla and red food coloring.
5. Beat well on medium.
6. Add flour mixture, beating on low until combined.
7. Cover, chill 3 hours.
8. Roll out half the dough, 1/4 inch thick.
9. Cut with 3 round cookie cutter.
10. Cut cookies in half.
11. Place on ungreased cookie sheet.
12. Press a few chocolate chips in each cookie for seeds.
13. Repeat with remaining dough.
14. Bake 8-10 minutes at 375 degrees.
15. Do not brown.
16. Cool.
17. Whisk together egg white and water.
18. Brush this on the edge of each cookie and dip wet part into green sugar.