1. Lay your serviette flat before you in a diamond shape.
2. Take the point at South and fold it up to meet the point at North. You will now have a triangle in front of you where the crease is at the bottom and the point is facing the North position.
3. Place your finger in the centre of the outside line of the triangle that runs from North to East. Then take the East point of the triangle and bring it up and past your finger so that you have made an additional triangle that has a point sticking up at the top. Repeat with the West point of the triangle. You will now have before you a very rough diamond shape that has three triangle points at the top.
4. Take the bottom point at South and fold it half way up to the centre of the serviette. It will form a triangle below the three triangles points at the top.
5. Carefully turn the serviette so that it is vertical (the 3 top points will now be facing East or West, whichever you prefer) and accordion fold from the bottom to the top of the serviette.
6. Carefully set the base of the serviette into a wine or water glass (the base is the thicker bit at the bottom) and when you let go you will have a pleated triangle at the top and two pleated triangles hanging down at the sides.
7. Arrange the pleats to that they are even and neat.