1. Wash Canaroli rice under running water until water is almost clear.
2. Put rice into pot. Add two cups of milk, the lemon rind and salt. Bring to a boil. Stirring frequently to avoid sticking of rice and burning.
3. Reduce heat to medium high and boil for 15 to 20 minutes. It should be a soft boiling. Stir frequently to avoid burning.
4. If the milk is absorbed before the rice is done add a little more milk. The rice is done, when it is soft, but still has a bite. This should be after 15 minutes. If you like the rice more soft cook it longer. You should taste some rice corns from time to time (see not on cooking time).
5. After the rice is cooked to the consistency you like remove from heat and remove lemon rind. Add butter, sugar and vanilla extract. Stir.
6. If the consistency of the milk rice is too firm add some more milk or cream for desired consistency.
7. For serving: mix sugar with cinnamon.
8. Serve milk risotto warm. Serve sugar-cinnamon mixture, so that everyone can adjust sweetness. If you like not overly sweet, just sprinkle some cinnamon over the milk risotto.
9. NOTE on Cooking Time : Carnaroli Rice needs about 15 minutes to be al dente . If you like it more soft cook it longer for about 5 minutes. Taste from time to time some rice corns. I always start with 2 cups of milk, but depending on cooking time and desired softness of rice you may need more (up to 3 cups). If the milk is absorbed add just a little more milk. If you like the pure Risotto consistency, the consistnecy should be creamy and the spoon should build a wave, when you stir the rice.
10. NOTE on Carnaroli Rice : I use this rice, because it gives the best results. You could use other rice varieties, like Arborio, but it should be a high quality short grain rice which is suitable for making a Risotto.