1. In a small bowl, mix together sugar, paprika, pepper, salt, garlicpowder, onion powder and cayenne. Sprinkle a good amount of the rub over the tenderloin (you will have leftovers; store in an airtight container at room templ for up to 2 weeks), and massage the rub into the meat.
2. Preheat grill
3. Place the pork on the grill and cook for 5 min.
4. Roll it a quarter turn and cook 5 min. longer.
5. Continue cooking and truning until done, about 155 degrees internally. This should take 20 min.
6. Let rest 5 min. before slicing into 1/4-inch thick slices
7. caloies: 450; fats:10 grams (22% of calories); cholesterol:220 milligrams; carbohydrate: 13 grams; fiber:1 gram; protein: 72grams;
8. sodium:922 milligrams