1. Combine the berries and 1/2 cup sugar; stir well and set aside.
2. Sift together the flour, baking powder and salt into a small bowl; set aside.
3. Cream the butter and 1/2 cup sugar in an electric mixer until fluffy.
4. Place the berries in a strainer to drain the juice; save the juice.
5. Measure the milk and add the vanilla.
6. In a large bowl, add the sifted ingredients, alternating milk and vanilla mixture with dry ingredients.
7. Make sure you begin and end with dry ingredients.
8. Blend the ingredients, but do not overmix.
9. Butter or oil a two-and-a-half quart baking dish.
10. Place the batter evenly in the baking dish.
11. Spoon the drained berries evenly over the batter.
12. Pour the juice over the berries.
13. Bake for 45 minutes at 375°F.
14. Serve warm.