1. Place potato quarters into a pot and cover with cold water; bring to a boil.
2. Cook in boiling salted water to cover, 15 to 20 minutes or until fork tender, but do not overcook- you want them tender, but firm enough to hold together in salad.
3. Drain and then sprinkle with vinegar and a little salt& pepper to taste; set aside to cool slightly.
4. Snap tough string ends off beans, then place beans into a pot with 1 cup water, cover, and let steam for about 3 minutes.
5. Drain in a colander and run under cold water to help cool beans off quickly.
6. Set colander into a bowl of ice water to cover beans and let sit 2 minutes to chill quickly.
7. Drain beans and pat dry, then cut each bean in half.
8. Stir together the dressing ingredients in a large bowl.
9. Add potatoes, beans, egg, bacon, and green onions, tossing gently.
10. Cover and chill well before serving.