1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F, and butter and line a 9-inch spring-form pan.
2. Beat together the sugar, butter and apple butter until airy and creamy, and then add the honey.
3. Add egg, beating it in with cornstarch and 2 tablespoons of the flour.
4. Fold in the melted chocolate, and then the rest of the flours and baking soda.
5. Sift in the cocoa and then beat in the coffee.
6. Mix everything well and pour into the prepared pan.
7. Cook for 1 1/2 hours.
8. Let the cake cool completely in the tin on a rack.
9. To make the glaze, bring the water and honey to a boil in a saucepan, then turn off the heat and add the finely chopped chocolates, swirling it around to melt in the hot liquid. Leave it for a few minutes, then stir together.
10. Sift in the sugar and whisk again until smooth.
11. Pour the glaze over the cold cake, keeping the pan of glaze for making the stripes on the bees. Let cake set for a minimum 2 hours.
12. Divide the marzipan into 6 even pieces and shape them into fat, sausage-like bees' bodies, slightly tapered at the ends.
13. Paint stripes with the glaze left in the pan from icing the cake, then very carefully attach the flaked almonds at an angle to make the bees' wings, 2 on each one. They might snap as you dig them into the marzipan bodies, so have some spare.