1. Brown the beef.
2. Blend the rest.
3. Drain both.
4. Return everything to the frying pan long enough to heat everything up.
5. While it's heating up (stire occasionaly) chop cheese into cubes.
6. Put cheese cubes in the microwave (I am wierd - I like to put them into a container first) and microwave.
7. - Microwaving cheese is an art. It's not Art, he owes me five bucks. Cheese, him I owe ten :
8. - Anyway, try not to nuke it for too long. Trust me, you don't want Bush breathing down your neck.
9. After cheese is sufficiently melted pour it into the strainer.
10. - Hopefully you don't have a strainer with huge holes in it. The idea is to get rid of the oily part of the cheese - not the cheese from the strainer.
11. Add cheese to concoction a bit at a time until it's a wonderful yummy mess.