1. Place 1 Tbsp. cure per pound of meat in freezer bag. (either form)
2. Add 1 tsp. liquid smoke per pound. Mix.
3. Riinse meat with clear water and pat dry with a paper towel.
4. Place meat in bag and rub cure well into meat.
5. Seal bag and refridgerate for 5-7 days, smooshing cure into meat occaissionally.
6. When ready to roast, rinse meat well with clear water and pat dry with paper towels, again.
7. Place in fridge for I hour to form a skin .
8. Pre-heat oven to 350 F and place meat on rack in shallow pan.
9. Cook for an hour to an hour and a half or until meat thermometer reads 170.
10. Allow to cool to room temp before wrapping and placing in fridge.
11. Keeps about one week.
12. We use it on pizza, egg bisquits, salads or for snacks. A lot cheaper and just as good as pre-packaged. A little dryer.