Calories in zap szechwan
- ems gourmet style vegetables white chicken in sauce with pasta
- 'ems
- fry
- wheels
- snacks
- bites
- gourmet
- style
- white
Zap Szechwan results
Zap'ems Gourmet szechwan-Style Vegetables & White Chicken
Per 1 package - Calories: 260 kcals
- Fat:0g
- Carbs:0g
- Protein:9g
Michelinas zap'ems gourmet szechwan-style vegetables & white chicken
Per 1 package - Calories: 280 kcals
- Fat:3g
- Carbs:53g
- Protein:10g
Michelinas zap 'ems gourmet szechwan-style vegetables & white chicken in sauce with pasta
Per 1 package - Calories: 260 kcals
- Fat:3g
- Carbs:50g
- Protein:9g