beets |
for every quart of beets that you boil add four teaspoons of basil and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon to the water.when cooked,drain and serve buttered or sprinkled with vinegar |
green beans |
for every quart of green beans that you boil add 4 teaspoons of marjoram and 1 diced onion,about 2 in diameter.when cooked drain and serve buttered |
carrots |
for every quart of carrots that you boil add 4 teaspoons of dill seed .when cooked drain and serve slightly buttered |
peas |
for every quart of peas that you boil add 2 diced onions and 2 bay leaves.when cooked drain and remove the bay leaves and serve buttered |
corn |
take one #2 can of corn and place in sauce pan,cover with water cook until hot,drain,mix 1 teaspoon butter,salt and pepper-plus 1/4 teaspoon of black walnut oil or flavoring. |
cabbage or brussels |
if using cabbage buy the small heads,for the larger heads have an entirely different flavor.put hte heads into boiling water and boil until done.remove from water,cut in fourths and place in strainer and leave to drain for twenty minutes.the draining of the cabbage is important.if you do not drain off every drop of water the cabbabe is no good at all,any water left on spoils the taste |
now take a 3 quart pot and place 4 tablespoons of butter ,melt |
add 1 teaspoon of curry powder and 1/4 teaspoon of paprika,mix the spices well. |
put the cabbage in the pot with the butter and spices and mix around until it has soaked up all the butter and spices |
note: there is something about the curry and paprika that goes so well with cabbage or brussels sprouts. |