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Recipe Testers Needed
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 0 Minutes
Servings: 1
Would you like to be a tester for my recipes before they are selected for my pagan cookbook?
i need testers for the recipes that will be included in a pagan cookbook i'm writing. i'm ready to begin assembling the book; some of the recipes are ones i got from other sources, and i've played around with them a bit. so i need people to test them to be sure they still work. others are really old recipes i haven't made in ages, and i need them updated.
the book is tentatively titled cakes and ale , and will basically contain recipes for foods used in circle, or at the altar. that means a lot of the food will be breads or cakes of some sort, and the beverages will be both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.
i cannot pay testers but you would have the fun of being involved in the process of a pagan cookbook and you would be mentioned in the acknowledgments in the book.
i am also interested in any recipes you might have that you think could be used in the book. remember, the recipes must be ones that have been or can be used in circle during the cakes and ale phase of ritual.
1. If you are interested in becoming a tester for my cookbook, please EMAIL ME DIRECTLY at deliathecrone .
2. Also, if you have a recipe that you think should be used in the book, please submit it directly to me at the same address, noted above.
3. I will need your full name, not your online avatar, if you wish to be acknowledged as a tester.
4. I will also need your full name if you are submitting a recipe for consideration, or I cannot consider your recipe.
5. I will accept all folk who wish to be involved, pagan or not.
6. Thank you for considering my offer.
7. Blessed Be!
8. Join the new group here titled Recipe Testers Wanted, where we can keep in touch with each other more easily, if you plan to volunteer as a tester.