12 stk pc zwieback 12 zwiebeck rusks |
200 g nutella . - nutella, ( chocolate hazelnut spread ) |
100 g gehackte mandeln - chopped almonds |
400 g süße sahne - sweet cream |
400 g schmand - schmand ( cross between cream cheese and cottage cheese |
make your own |
smooth 16 ounces of cottage cheese in a blender, then add one 8 ounce package of cream cheese and blend well;use as needed |
2 päckchen vanille zucker - 2 pkg vanilla sugar |
3 päckchen packet sahnesteif - 3 pkg. whipping cream stabilzer |
1 stk pc glas sauerkirschen - glass jar of sour cherries drained |
1 päckchen packet tortenguss glaze , 1 pkg red cherry glaze |
250 ml ml kirschsaft - cherry juice ( from drained cherries ) |