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Microwave Roux
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Prep Time: 20 Minutes
Cook Time: 12 Minutes
Ready In: 32 Minutes
Servings: 6
This is the only method I've used for making roux for over 20 years! It's very quick and has always given me a perfect dark brown roux. I usually will just make the flour and oil part (in whatever proportions my recipe calls for) in the microwave and finish with the addition of the other vegetables and ingredients in a big pot on the stove. It's originally from a cookbook called Tout de Suite a la Microwave by Jean K. Durkee.
2/3 cup flour
2/3 cup vegetable oil
2 cups onions, chopped
1 cup celery, chopped
1/2 cup green bell pepper, chopped
4 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 cup parsley, chopped
1/2 cup green onion, tops included, chopped
1/4 cup hot water, approximately
1. Mix oil and flour together in a 4 cup glass container (I use a Pyrex 4-cup).
2. Microwave uncovered on high for 6-7 minutes.
3. Stir at 6 minutes with a wooden spoon-roux will be a light brown at this time and will need to cook 30 seconds to 1 minute longer to reach the dark brown color so important in making Louisiana gumbos and stews.
4. The roux will be VERY HOT, but usually the handle on your measuring cup will stay cool enough to touch.
5. When the roux has reached a very dark brown (think a coffee grounds dark brown), remove from microwave and CAREFULLY (remember-the roux is very hot!); add the onion, celery, and bell pepper, a little at a time.
6. Stir and return to microwave.
7. Sauté on high for 2 minutes.
8. You should now have about 3 3/4 cup of roux.
9. If any oil has risen to the top, you can pour this off.
10. Slowly, add enough hot water to bring the roux to the 4 cup mark.
11. Stir and you will have a smooth, dark roux in only 12 minutes!
12. Roux freezes very well and you are ready at any time to put together a delicious gumbo or stew!