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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 20 Minutes
Ready In: 20 Minutes
Servings: 8
This is a traditional South African dish. It came with the Dutch many moons ago. It is particular popular under the Afrikaans speaking people but that doesn't mean nobody else likes it. I say it is 8 portions but in my experience I have found if I get 6 out I am lucky as everybody wants a bigger slice! Read more ! Enjoy
62.5ml margarine
62.5ml sugar
250ml self raising flour
pinch salt
25ml iced water
500ml milk
1 stick cinnamon
25ml butter (no substitude)
50ml sugar
2 eggs
50ml cake flour
2. Cream the margarine and the sugar togerther
3. Work in the flour and salt
4. Add the water and work to a soft dough
5. Wrap up and chill until required
7. Scald the milk in a double boiler with the cinnamon stick
8. Combine the sagar and flour and stir in the hot milk slowly
9. Return to the heat and cook for 15minutes with the lid of
10. Remove from heat and stir in the butter
11. When cool, add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition
12. Line a 22cm tart plate with the pastry and pour the filling mixture in
13. Bake at 200 deg C (400 deg F) for 20 minutes
14. Before serving sprinkle the top with powdered cinnamon and costor sugar