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Medusa Ice Face And Hands For Punch
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 0 Minutes
Servings: 1
Although the mythical Medusa was initially worshipped for her beauty, when Athena wrathfully turned her long, flowing tresses to snakes, Medusa was forever cursed with the alarming ability turn all those who looked at her to stone. Read more . While this festive punch won’t produce quite the same effect, it’s sure to leave your Halloween guests frozen in their tracks as they gaze into the bowl to find the serpent creature staring back at them.
duct tape
plastic face mask
plastic container such as a sterilite bin
packing material such as styrofoam peanuts or bubble wrap
green liquid food coloring
gummi worms
pair of large latex gloves
rubber bands
sheet pan
parchment paper
beverages, such as ginger ale or lemonade, to make punch
1. Using duct tape, tape up all of the mask’s orifices, such as the nostril holes, inside and out.
2. Place the mask face-down in the plastic container, stabilizing the mask in place with the packing material.
3. Using the food coloring, dye about 3 cups of water light green (this should require only about one drop of the coloring).
4. Pour the mixture into the mask, filling it about halfway.
5. Lay the Gummi worms as desired around the head of the mask, creating Medusa’s hair and using clothespins to hold them in place.
6. Freeze the mask, at least overnight.
7. To create the hands, fill the latex gloves with water (one glove holds about 1 1/2 cups water, so you’ll need about 3 cups for both).
8. Using rubber bands, tie the gloves at the wrists to seal them shut.
9. Place the hands flat on a sheet pan covered with parchment paper, to prevent them from sticking.
10. Freeze the hands, at least overnight.
11. Remove the mask from the container, remove the face from the mask mold, and remove the hands from the gloves. (They should come out easily, but if not, place the hands and face in another container filled with room-temperature water to loosen them from the molds.)
12. Turn the face upside-down to reveal the green face with worm hair.
13. Prepare the punch of your choice (Martha uses lemonade and ginger ale), gently slide the face into the punch, and add the hands—one on each side, palms facing up.