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Marshmallow Pineapple Fluff Dessert
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Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 15 Minutes
Servings: 12
This recipe is from my grandmother. She made it every summer till she passed away, and the thought of it always brings back fond memories. After she died I looked everywhere for it with no luck, until this last Easter when I was looking through my moms cookbooks (She was given all of my grandmothers books). Down on the bottom of a page I notice my grandmothers writing and it was this recipe that she had written in. What a gift! It makes me cry just writing about it. I'm so excited to be able to share it with others and help my grandmother’s gift of cooking live on. Hope you like it!
1 cup milk
3 cups marshmallows
2 cups whipping cream (not pre-whipped)
1 (15 ounce) can crushed pineapple
2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1. Scald milk. Add marshmallows and stir till melted. Let cool.
2. While mixture cools, whip cream.
3. Fold marshmallows and cream together.
4. Gently fold in drained pineapple.
5. Sprinkle 1-1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs on bottom of a 9 by 13 pan. Spread fluff over crumbs and sprinkle top with remaining crumbs.
6. Refrigerate till served.