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Mague's Chipotle De Huasteca (chipotle Chutney)
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Prep Time: 30 Minutes
Cook Time: 300 Minutes
Ready In: 330 Minutes
Servings: 6
This is an authentic recipe from Mague's kitchen in San Luis de Potosí, Mexico. I am posting the original Receta here in the introduction and then the translated version . Here are the ingredients - Cien gramos de chipotles, 1 kilo cebollas- cortadas en rebanandas, 250 gramos pilonzillo. un poco de pimiento y sal. 1/4 puñada (handful) mejorana - fresca,media puñada, tomillo-fresco, 10 clavos, Algunas pequeñas rebanadas de jicama, 1/4 litro vinagre de manzana.Direcciones: Cubre los chipotles con agua caliente y dejanlos empaparse una hora hasta estan bien blandos. Lavelos con agua caliente y quite las semillas al sabor y tan piquante que desee. Corte todos los chipotles en trizas y dejelos hervir unas 4 horas o más. Agrege las hierbas al vinagre con el azucar y hierve esto por 10 minutos. Freie las cebollas en aciete de olivo hasta que están blandas y agrege todo a los chipotles. Deje que todo hierve media hora mas, There you have the original version! This a very HOT chutney to be served as a side dish - Great with quesadillas (see John's Vegetarian Quesadillas) or with meats and chicken. Chipotles are a very hot pepper so be careful how many seeds you leave in. The flavor is a lovely smokey, tangy, spicy, hot combination. It will keep in the fridge for several weeks but if you are making a full recipe pour it boiling into sterilized sealers, be sure the lid seals. The recipe may be cut in half with excellent results
100 g whole chipotle chiles, dried
1 kg onion, thinly sliced
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup raw sugar (turbinado or raw cane sugar)
salt & pepper
1/4 cup fresh marjoram or 2 tablespoons dried marjoram
1/2 cup fresh thyme
10 whole cloves
1/2 cup jicama, small slices (optional)
1/4 liter cider vinegar
1. Soak the Chipotles in very hot water until soft, then wash them well with hot water.
2. Remove most of the seeds (depending on how hot you like it).
3. Slice the Chipotles fairly fine, cover with clean water, bring to a boil uncovered, allow them to simmer for apprx 4 hours or until the are very soft. If they begin to get dry add a bit more water. When cooked drain.
4. In a separate pot add remaining ingredients (except onions) to the vinegar, bring to a boil, simmer apprx 10 minutes.
5. Fry the onions in the oil until quite soft (10 minutes), add to the cooked Chipoltles.
6. Stir in the vinegar & spices, boil for a further 20 minutes.
7. liquid.