How To Ripen Autumn Fruits |
Prep Time: 0 Minutes Cook Time: 0 Minutes |
Ready In: 0 Minutes Servings: 1 |
From the Net, guide on ripening Autumn fruits avaialble in our markets Ingredients:
the fruits of autumn are pineapple, pears, persimmons, pomegranates, apples, asian pears, some plums, and grapes. |
because most are picked ripe, only refrigeration is necessary, but as with all produce, choosing well is the first step. |
1. APPLES are picked ripe, so refrigerate them after purchase. 2. Should be bruise-free, unblemished and firm to the touch. 3. ASIAN PEARS are picked just before maturity and ripen in storage. 4. Delicate, often encased in a net of foam to prevent bruising, they should be firm to the touch and refrigerated. 5. Eat promptly. 6. The flesh is white, juicy, and with texture like a delicate apple with the perfume of pears. 7. PEARS: Ripened best off the tree to avoid a gritty flesh, pears should be smooth and unblemished. 8. A slight yield when the stem end is pressed indicates ripeness. 9. To ripen further, leave in a bowl or a brown paper bag at room temperature. Check daily. 10. PERSIMMONS can ripen on the kitchen counter. 11. Fuyu, a four sided pale yellow-orange to deep red persimmon has a firm flesh and is eaten like an apple. 12. Hachiya is large, oblong and has a deep orange skin; it should be eaten when soft. 13. Saijo is egg shaped and reddish orange and eaten soft. 14. Hard fleshed persimmons should be very firm and rich in color; soft fleshed versions should yield but not be mushy. 15. PINEAPPLES: Harvested when ripe, pineapples should be even in color (yellow), undamaged, and smell delicate at the stem; heavy sweetness indicates age. 16. Leaves should be deep green and fruit heavy for its size. 17. Further ripening is rarely needed. 18. POMEGRANATES: Thirteen varieties of this Iranian native grow in California. 19. Harvested just before maturity, they have hard reddish shells that make a metallic sound when tapped. 20. Can be refrigerated several weeks; edible seeds become juicier and more flavorful with age. |