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Country Inn
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 0 Minutes
Servings: 1
~ Lunch or Brunch...It's all good to Crunch~
two eggs
pinch of basil
4 slices bacon
yukon gold potatoes,grated
shallot,fresh,chopped,with top
herbs...a couple or more of your choice
2 slices whole wheat bread
farm fresh butter
homemade jam...your choice
tomato juice
hot strong coffee
fresh cows cream
fresh fruit...your choice
1. Turn up the music...get out your frying pan...and cook.
2. Melt butter in one pan,add eggs... I like mine over easy,with a sprinkle of Basil over the top
3. Fry bacon...l like mine crisp.
4. Fry grated potato with shallots and choice of herb...I like mine brown and crisp on the outside.
5. Toast bread...I like mine rather toasty,then buttered up,and then add the jam.
6. Cut up mixed fruit
7. Pour Tomato Juice
8. Pour Coffee,add sugar and cream
9. Then sit back and dream...
10. The world is your oyster...crack it open...savor it...left you head to the sun, and consider yourself a lucky one...your not on the run.
11. Heavens to Betsy,it does'nt take a Nancy Drew to figure out that you should'nt be snowed by what you hear on the Radio,that if you want to cook smart and diet properly to have your babies fed right,then your going to have to get up before the Rooster crows,and dig in your heels with determation,rattle those pots and pans....and COOK.
12. Clean the dishes..grab your hat...hit the door..saddle up...go mend the fences...Livestock out.
13. Note:I have loved this site...more entertainment,materal,laughs,smiles,tears,joy,heartache(have lost a couple of dear people by death...and some by misunderstanding...I miss them)...what intriges me is the games that people play,it's like a bunch of kids in a school yard,bouncing a ball back and forth thinking each one has the edge...
14. Like playing the stock market,buying,selling,trading an advertised product...EACH OTHER.
15. It is a complete joy to watch,many characters,many personalities.I love the study of common Human Nature...but no human being is common... we all have our complexities,no matter how bad you think a person may be,you just have to scratch the may have to dig pretty deep sometimes...but it's there...THE GOOD
16. ....athou one can see why we are put at the head of the food chain in such games...but always remember,you drop a notch on that ladder when you come face to face with a Mother Cougar near her cubs.