Prep Time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 60 Minutes |
Ready In: 65 Minutes Servings: 6 |
From the 1553 German Cookbook of Sabina Welserin - Nim ain halb pfúnd mandel, mer oder minder, gestosen, darnach man sý will grosß machen, nim púterschmaltz, siben air, das weisß darúon, solchs dúrchainandergemischt, nachmals ain lot rerlen darúnder, doch der merer tail daraúfgestret vnnd die torten mit rossenwasser besprengt, aúch soll man darzú nemen vngeferlich ain 1/2 pfúnd zúcker, daranthon/jst aúch gút/ nemlich ain eitterlin vom kalb gesotten vnnd klaingehackt. - Take a half pound of ground almonds, more or less, according to how large a tart one will make. Take butter and the whites from seven eggs. Mix everything together, afterwards put a half ounce of cinnamon into it, the largest part, however, sprinkled on top, and sprinkle the tart with rose water. Also take about a half pound of sugar and put it in. The white fat from a leg of veal, cooked and finely chopped, is also especially good. (Translation by Valoise Armstrong, 1998) - DO NOT make this tart with regular supermarket Cassia cinnamon; the texture and flavor are too coarse, and the end product is not pleasant. Check Hispanic groceries for Canel cinnamon, or order it from Penzey's Spices (where it is called Ceylon True Cinnamon) or other online spice merchant. Ingredients:
2 cups ground almonds |
1 cup sugar |
7 egg whites |
1/2 cup butter |
1/2 ounce cinnamon (must be canel and not the more readily available cassia) |
1 pie shell |
1. Mix almonds and sugar; soften butter and work in well (like a pastry). 2. Add egg whites & mix well. 3. Add all but a scant tablespoon cinnamon and mix well. 4. Pour mixture into pie shell. 5. Mix a scant tablespoon sugar with reserved cinnamon and sprinkle over pie. 6. Bake at 350F for 1 hour. |