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Artillery Punch
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 0 Minutes
Servings: 12
1 cup sugar
juice of 6 lemons
2 tbs. bitters
1 qt. sherry
1 qt. rye or bourbon or scotch
1 qt. brandy
1 qt. claret wine
1 qt. club sode or 2 qt. sparkling burgundy
1. Add ingredients in order to a punch bowl, add ice. To convert from charge 7 to charge 5 (weaken) add another bottle of soda or sparking Burgundy.
2. Charles Fassinger and his wife Janet have served this potent punch at many a military bash over the years and the drink's name is highly appropriate: Fassinger, who retired from the Army as a Brigadeer General and now lives in Nashville, spent 20 of his 44 years of military service as an Artilleryman. My last Artillery assignment was as an Artillery Battalion Commander, he says, and the 'charge 7' and 'charge 5' references in the recipe are artillery speak for 'weaken the alcoholic continent of the punch.' Charge 7 is the largest propellent powder charge used in an artillery shell.